Friday, October 23, 2009


We passed Parquet. We have been approved by yet another Haitian government agency. Our paperwork now goes to the court system so our adoption of Marcus can be approved.
Praise God. One dear friend was here when I got the call and she said "It seems like God brings you to the brink of despair every time." And then I get good news and hope is restored.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Church today had a profound impact on my current attitude towards our adoption journey. I have been struggling with apathy vascilating to deep despair. I go weeks without thinking about it then am forced to confront the reality of someone else tucking in my son night after night. Then the sorrow gets to be almost palpable.

I so want to feel God carrying me through this journey but realize it has been too painful to rehash it regularly in prayer with Him.

However three realities struck me during church this morning. It sure would be nice if I could make it through a church service without crying at some point :)

I will list them and allow you to interpret and enjoy them in your own way.

1. This is my fathers world
Why should my heart be sad
The Lord is king, let the heavens ring
God reigns, let the earth be glad

This is my fathers world
The battle is not done
Jesus who died shall be satisfied
And heaven and earth be one.

2. (Song) And all that borrows life from thee is ever in thy care
And everywhere that man can be, thou God art present there.

3. (Prayer) In the struggle and pain that is present in this day

Redeemer, may I feel the peace of your presence.

On a lighter note, Marcus is doing so well according to our updates. He looks so much happier and like he is actually enjoying the pictures. He is so precious. We eagerly anticipate the new pictures every month. I wonder what his voice sounds like, what makes him laugh, what is he thinking about? His facial expressions make we question all of this. Here is a taste.

My prayer shall be "Redeemer, may I feel the peace of your presence."