Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Children- The past week

Playing music with Mom

Holding onto that last piece of graham cracker.

Hanging with Papa.
Happy with food, must be a Deters
Checking it out. . .

The beauty of Haiti
Loving to sleep on laps.
Matea at the Detroit Zoo
Bri at the Tigers game.  A true fan


Laura Sharda said...

Soooooo excited! He's precious. :)

jonidykema said...

He is beautiful! So excited that you guys had this opportunity. We will continue to pray for your family throughout this process.

Kelli TenHaken said...

He is a beautiful little boy. I am so glad you guys got to meet him. I am sure it was hard to leave him there though. Hang in there! We are hoping you make some huge leaps in this process!

Anonymous said...

You got to meet little Marcus! Great to see the pictures of you with him and glad it went well for you. We will all continue to pray that the process goes smoothly and quickly. Hope you are all doing well, and glad you found the egg :).