Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Praise God

It appears we finally have gotten our break. . . We just received word that we are out of IBESR. And without a presidential dispensation. I can't believe it has finally happened, we are moving once again. We have quite a ways to go yet but at least we are making progress. Won't you join us in a prayer of praise?

Now we just have to keep going so Bri and Tea' can put a smile on this little face.


jonna said...

That is great news! We hope things continue to move forward.

Marisa said...

That is AWESOME!!! Amazing to hear you didn't need a dispensation too--yea!! You were asking about timing---we were in parquet about 2 1/2 months--so hopefully it goes that quick or quicker for you! Cute pictures this month :)

Sarah said...

That's so exciting.

Kelli TenHaken said...

Yeah!! Finally- I am excited for you guys!


Mindy said...

I just read the good wonderful! Congrats! Praying that the next steps get moving quickly so that yes...your girls can put a face on your little guys face! :)