Monday, January 18, 2010


It looks like the official directive from Homeland Security and the department of state has been given. They are going to issue visas for people that meet certain criteria.
Praise the Lord, we meet them.
So now I just need to gather paperwork from various places, send it to Homeland security and wait for their approval.
So it may be a couple weeks or so but it is almost official. . .
Thank you all for your prayers.


Tim and Maria said...

Hooray! This brought tears to my eyes. We are so excited for you guys and so excited that you get to finally bring your little boy home.

bwinkle said...

I just heard about this on the radio! We are praying this part goes quickly for you and you're able to bring your son home soon!

Laura Sharda said...

Oh my word! I can't believe it! SOooooooooooooo excited! Love you,

jonidykema said...

Praise God, from Whom ALL Blessings flow!!!!!! We're praying Marcus home!!
Doug and MaryBeth

Pastor Tony said...

YEAH! Praising God with you that Marcus will soon be home!
Tony and Stacey

Kelli TenHaken said...

We are so excited for you guys!!! Praise God that this waiting is finally going to come to end for your family!! Yeah!

jonidykema said...

Praising God with you! oooh my heart is full of JOY for you guys :) still praying for the remainder of your journey...and for Haiti.

Unknown said...

We're so excited for your family!!
We'll keep praying. What a precious picture of Marcus--can't wait to see him. Love you all,
Uncle Hank & Aunt Marideen

Scott and Shawna said...

With all the horrible news coming from Haiti. This news of Marcus coming home is the bright spot! I am so excited for all of you! We will continue to pray that your sweet son will be sitting on your lap soon! Oh, the JOY!!!

Kelley E.B. Senkowski said...

WAHOO! PRAISE GOD! I love how He brings His glory and victory out of the dust of disaster. We can't wiat to meet Marcus! And see you hold him ini your arms. :-)

Keep us posted on flights...

Blessings to the whole family!

Kelley and Kirk

Katie Kelly said...

YEAH! PRAISE GOD! Let us know if you need anything! Do you need any money for travel?